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Meet Our Artisans

Chinta Mahato

Chinta Mahatoooo, the wife of Amulya Mahato, a homemaker, lives in Village Gobag under Neturia Thana of Purulia District.In Rural India, early marriages of girls is a norm. Families born with girls are considered a burden. Chinta Mahato was one daughter among the four…

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Mithu Das

Education is essential for change and growth in any society; however, skill education is missing in many parts. Among many Indian villages, Our Artisan Mithu Das belongs to Village Sarbari, District Purulia, West Bengal. Literacy India has had its presence in Purulia for over a decade, empowering and educating the tribal and underserved rural communities…

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Sampa Das

Sampa Das lives at Sarbari Village under Neturia block of Purulia District of West Bengal with her husband and one son. Her Husband, Laxmi Kanta Dan, is a Tutor, and his income is relatively meagre to meet the family`s needs. Their son is studying in class VII. She joined embroidery classes at Literacy India to learn and earn value add to family income…

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Awards Winning

Our Customers

Indha is India


April 24th 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken India`s economy to the core. Though everyone has taken a hit, some have been hit more than others. The rural artisans are amongst those severely impacted.  According to government figures, there are an estimated seven million artisans in India, however other sources peg the number to 200 million.